During her training at P.A.R.T.S., Judith created 'Shuffle'. The performed tasks are developed by the dancer, as well as elicited from the audience before the start of the performance. Chance is introduced by responding to the tasks as they randomly come in through the headphones. She performed an abridged version of 'Shuffle' at Dansand in Ostend, (2017) and created 'Shuffle (extended version)' that premiered at the GXII Festival in Rosas/P.A.R.T.S. in 2019 that she curated with her fellow students. 'Shuffle (extended version)' relies heavily on co-creation. By sharing multiple headphones with the audience, they are invited to co-create the performance within the moment. 
Excerpts from 'Shuffle (extended version)' at the GXII Festival @P.A.R.T.S., July (2019): https://vimeo.com/402146564

©Tine Declerck

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